Well dang. I’m back for a while. JimmyV reports he could not access the internet at the Fairbanks Super 8. So I’ll continue with two photos he sent to me via iPhone.
This was taken this morning at 1:32AM in Fairbanks. Notice that the sky is still dusk. The “south bound 2” just finished dinner … at least that’s what they tried to tell me. I know better! I know these two miscreants. They were celebrating their successful Dalton Hwy / Deadhorse / Prudhoe Bay ride at either a Fairbanks Disco, a lonely miner’s 99-cents Taxi Dance club, or a sleezy Midnight Sun stripper joint!!
Today JV & BS start traveling carrying their second set of tires. They will keep the knobbies on till they see cord or have no tread then switch to their street tires. JimmyV said, “We got some tips from the Beveryly Hillbillies.”
Where’s the rocking chair??
12:53 PM: The “Southbound 2” departed from the Super-8 and head towards Anchorage.
2:53 PM: The boyz stopped in Healy for the night. They are rushing to unpack and get on a tour of Denali. BS will “OK/Check” the SPOT to finish today’s ride then issue a new OK/Check to start the Danali tour.
I bet it'll feel weird to be in a vehicle…a double-decker, open top tour bus, perhaps? Sounds a little touristy for a coupla tough bikers 🙂 Enjoy the ride – it's nice to let someone else drive and be able to look around…I know cuz I alway make Dennis drive 🙂
I bet it'll feel weird to be in a vehicle – not a bike…a double-decker, open top tour bus, perhaps? Sounds a little touristy for a coupla tough bikers 🙂 Enjoy the ride – it's nice to let someone else drive and be able to look around…I know cuz I alway make Dennis drive 🙂
there was no double decker it was closer to a school bus that the distect condemed and going on the down hill on a goat path it kind of made you wonder when the last time the brakes were checked. then we come up to a spot that the bus driver said that the grond had just shifteded it had moved about 50 yards (all still intacted made 50 yards away so it was like a pice of a puzzle out of place) it was not on the road but made you wounder if it was ready to go to. was a great ride over all.
My vote is that they are celebrating at a stripper joint.
that would have been great but after that ride then stopping to clean some of the dalton hwy. off the bikes we check in to the hotel clean some more off clean up and went to get dinner waited over a hour to get a F**ing sandwich from dennies we were dead to the world after that.
ok… i think the accommodations on this tour bus is much more primitive and i have taken enough field trips to know that they will not be in a total comfort zone, but i am sure the scenery will make up for the lack of luxury!! Have fun, enjoy and take lots of pictures!! I heard that they were hosting an alaskan party when this is all said and done, including but not limited to, pictures, tons of stories and a ride on the bikes!!! Anyway i also heard that dvd would be available (for sale????? seriously????) anyway….. i am in!!!! have a good night and climb high…. just keep the ropes under your neck line!!!
Weather must be getting nicer….. t-shirts, baseball hats, and sunglasses!!!!!
weather can be a little tricky up here you take off its nice your two courners and its cold a poreing down rain so you never go far with out more clothes.
do you know larry the cable guys song about blue balls???? it is to the melody of silver bells the christmas song. well anyway it seems very appropriate at this time. it goes…… blue balls blue balls it's dollar night at the titty club. hope your night was fun!!!
There is also a song by Joe Walsh, I like Big Tits, just to go with the big sky and mountains. The trip I looks like a blast. I take the cool temperatures as we were on the Colorado River this weekend and the water temp at 55 and the air at 110. I check the road a head by satelite and looks like a moose in the road so keep your eyes on the road.
Welll, whatever you guys did (lots of votes from above) you were at it a LONG TIME! The last check OK is an hour ago at 4:36. I've had a good nights sleep since my last post — you guys must be partying hardy! Time to hang loose and let go. I guess I won't see any posts from you til after work when you wake up. So a little sleuthing in the meantime….my guess for today is The Totem Inn…hey, I got Fairbanks right!
The Alaskan party sounds like a blast – you'll have to Skype us in – but sign me up for a DVD. Later, guys…
Holy Smokes! Totom Inn it is! I'm checking the room for a bug!